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set up意思
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  • 建立,提出,贴出,引起,使振作
  1. set up or found;

    "She set up a literacy program"

  2. create by putting components or members together;

    "She pieced a quilt"
    "He tacked together some verses"
    "They set up a committee"

  3. construct, build, or erect;

    "Raise a barn"

  4. get ready for a particular purpose or event;

    "set up an experiment"
    "set the table"
    "lay out the tools for the surgery"

  5. put into a proper or systematic order;

    "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order"

  6. begin, or enable someone else to begin, a venture by providing the means, logistics, etc.;

    "set up an election"

  7. take or catch as if in a snare or trap;

    "I was set up!"
    "The innocent man was framed by the police"

  8. produce;

    "The scientists set up a shock wave"

  9. set up for use;

    "install the washer and dryer"
    "We put in a new sink"

  10. place;

    "Her manager had set her up at the Ritz"

  11. arrange the outcome of by means of deceit;

    "rig an election"

  12. erect and fasten;

    "pitch a tent"

  13. arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events;

    "arrange my schedule"
    "set up one's life"
    "I put these memories with those of bygone times"

  14. equip with sails or masts;

    "rig a ship"

  15. make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc;

    "Get the children ready for school!"
    "prepare for war"
    "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"

If youset somethingup, you create or arrange it.

e.g. The two sides agreed tosetup a commission to investigate claims...
e.g. ...an organization which setsup meetings about issues of interest to women...

1. set up是什么意思

1. 建立:上升时间、下降时间、建立(Setup)、保持(Hold)等时间的检测通过测量输出信号来获得,软件要判断高、低电平,消除抖动、过充等现象的干扰. 此外,时延参数提取还要结合温度等环境条件.

2. set up的反义词

2. 竖立:41.C该题根据上下文与句意选择. 此处指以前他们设立或竖立(setup)的标出返回路的石头.


3. 安装:在选择打印机(Select Printer)对话框中,选择安装(SetUp) 键,在字体(Font) 中选择打印真实动画设计(Print TrueType as Graphics),9. 从文件菜单(File)中选择打印命令(Print) ,或在总工具表样式( style)是决定化学结构式的外观的多种因素的组合(原子和4.

"set up"的基本信息





